hello, welcome to sanguinetwinonline. this page will have a variety of uses and will most likely be changing constantly whenever i get the time to

it will primarily be used to host a variety of things, from collections of images, essays, poems, short stories, and more.

brief about the author for now

i am sanguinetwin aka pierro difunta aka -----, i use a variety of names so whatever you know me by i am. you can refer to me however you'd like.

my primary interests are: archaeology, the history of medicine, the arts, philosophy, whaling, horror, religion, and folk and fairy tales

persons of interest to this site: georges bataille, herman mellville, roberto bolano (neocities doesnt like tildes), fw murnau, james ferraro, clarice lispector, brian eno, philippus aureolus theophrastus bombastus von hohenheim aka paracelsus, thomas pynchon

to do list:

-format all pages

-add 'about this site' page

i apologize for the bare-bones-ness of much of this site, i am not a person who is very techno-logical so it is an incrimental process sometimes for coding

Cool Links Section :)